Scrapple: Jones versus Habbersett
Andy wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski said...
>> Since moving away from Philly (28 years ago), it is difficult to get
>> scrapple. A few years ago the Stop & Shop supermarket started to carry
>> Jones brand so I started buying it and was happy. Last weekend we were
>> in Philly so we bought a few packages of Habbersett scrapple. It has a
>> better texture, better flavor. While the Jones is acceptable,
>> Habbersett would be my first choice every time.
>> Picked up some Taylor pork roll also.
>> I can mail order that stuff, but it becomes incredibly expensive.
>> Scrapple in the store is about 2.69 but 6 pounds mail ordered is $65.
>> I'd rather put that kind of money to a good steak.
> Taylor pork roll hails from New Jersey, iirc. Never tried it.
Trenton, NJ.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.