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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Straub's in STL has ground beef $2.99 lb!!

"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
On Jun 20, 10:55 am, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> "John Kuthe" wrote:
> > Usually $3.99/lb. Now on sale for $! The butcher told me the
> > price is good thru Monday 6/22/09!

> >

> > I just bought my usual 4#, and may go back for more before Tues!! :-)

> > Best ground beef I've ever had. I've been buying it for years.

> That's no bargain.
> Why would anyone boast about eating mystery meat... buy a meat grinder and
> know what/who you're eating, and save money too. Don't you realize that
> when stores have a sale on ground beef, especially family size packages,
> it's to dump the old meat they couldn't sell before the sell-by date
> and/or
> is poor quality, plus a good percentage is trimmings and scraps. You
> haven't a clue what/who you're eating. I regularly buy USDA Choice top
> round roasts at $1.99/lb. I can grind 4 lbs in about one minute. What's
> called "boneless pork chops" is also regularly $1.99/lb, grinds
> beautifully
> with the beef for meatballs, meat loaf, chili...
> I could never understand folks who have $50,000+ designer kitchens filled
> with every expensive piece of designer cookware and appliance yet won't
> spring for a friggin' meat grinder... tells me all that kitchen money is
> wasted on just-for-show because they can't cook a lick and are afflicted
> with TIAD because they sure do seem to enjoy dining on mystery meat shit.

Yeah yeah yeah, OK!

I just made a little (4oz) burger on Panera Sourdough w a little
catsup, and YUM!

You didn't read Straub's website, did you? Straub's is noted for their
fine meats in St Louis. Bryan, care to chime in on this? Let ole
Brooklyn1 know what you think?

John Kuthe...

I read enough of their web site to know that their meat is no better or
worse than any typical stupidmarket.... I read their meat specials to see if
they'd say of which beef cut their ground beef consisted, they don't, it's
pure mystery meat. If your usual ground beef purchase is 4 lbs then you are
a fool to not be grinding your own... I can buy a 4 lb roast for $8 and
you're paying $12 for 4lbs of mystery meat.