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james james is offline
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Posts: 16
Default Basting a Chicken???

In message >, Frederick Williams
> writes
>"Samantha F. McKenzie" wrote:
>> In your opinion, is this the best way to baste a chicken?

>The first thing you should do is check that chicken-basting is legal in
>your jurisdiction.

The law of England will change in exactly the same way that the law was
changed on ******* births [1] and homosexuality. The process used then
was a softening up of social standards. Fifty years ago giving birth to
illegitimate sprogs was frowned on and all manner of legal hurdles were
imposed to ensure that *******s like me had few rights -- particularly
over inheritance matters.

Aided by the music hall and one or two bold acts on Workers' Playtime,
the laws were gradually softened up until today, the fecundity of
England's hordes of willing for a shilling slappers is a matter of
national pride. Today a bimbo getting herself banged up is making a
sensible career move that'll get her well up the social ladder with
benefits galore and social housing thrown. If she goes into serious baby
production she's feted and glorified.

About three decades ago the softening up of social attitudes towards the
strange behaviour of queers began in Earnest and the importance of. The
jokes started on the music halls (I recall Max Miller's patter at the
Kingston Empire -- "I had this salesman asking me if I wanted to wake up
in the morning feeling a new man..."). John Inman had the nation rolling
with his 'will you walk this way please?' In a TV sitcom. Larry Grayson
even established his dubious queerdom creditials on mass audience Sunday
night TV programs.

The social softening process was total, helped by a government with an
implacable hatred of Christianity and Christian values so that those
expressing concern about the direction society was moving in, such as
Lyn Burrows, had Inspector Knacker on her doorstep inviting her to
attend a reorientation induction course. Expressing disquiet is ruled to
amount to hatred and is either illegal or off-message. The whole creaky
wagon was helped by a programme of rallies and demonstrations.

Chipping away at the morays governing sexual relations with animals
(Adam's first wife, lillith, wasn't outspoken enough on the subject) has
already started.

OWEN: Market first thing in the morning. Early as possible.


OWEN: Some choice ewes coming up. I don't want an ugly one.


OWEN: Don't want the bull to see me when I'm checking to
ensure that a calf's properly engaged. They can get jealous.

Laughter: a wonderful tool to prepare the way for social revolution.

We live in interesting times.

[1] I learned about my ******* credentials around 1950 when I came
across my birth certificate. ******* was a word that had me discovering
all about dictionaries. My heart swelled with pride when I discovered
the meaning of the word. It was something that set me apart from my

Years later I decided to send for my full birth certificate so that I
could enlarge it to poster size and have it mounted as evidence of the
absolute truthfulness of rumours put about by friend and foe that I was
indeed a real *******. The short certificate was just so boring!

My hopes were dashed because the magic word was not on the full birth
certificate. A BDM official explained that the magic word had been
deinvented many years before and was no longer used.

James Follett. Novelist. (G1LXP)
A wise and all-knowing Providence gave us an abundance of losers to endure
all the suffering and to do most of the work.