Order up! "Make a wish breakfast"
gloria.p wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> Order up! "Make a wish breakfast"
>> I'd wish for...?
> Aaargh--so many choices! All with good coffee and cream:
> Blintzes with sour cream and warm apricot sauce
> or:
> Pancakes with real maple syrup and crisp bacon
> or:
> fluffy scrambled eggs with sourdough toast and bacon
> or:
> French toast (pain perdue) with maple syrup and bacon
> or:
> Fried eggs, over easy with oat bread toast and bacon
> NOT: waffles or most sausage
> I love breakfast--I could eat it three meals a day.
> gloria p
Cat bread? for some reason that sounds familiar, but I don't remember
the particulars. I think I heard about it on RFC a while back.
I'll have to go search now.. Thanks! Gloria.