OT Today show
On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:24:46 -0600, "gloria.p" >
>brooklyn1 wrote:
>> "Bobo Bonobo®" wrote:
>> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
>>> But tens of millions still have jobs and can take advantage of bargains.
>>> It
>>> is important that people who do have an income still spend some of that
>>> money to keep the economy afloat. If you need one, build a house, buy a
>>> car, replace that broken appliance. Keep America working.
>When was the last time you saw an appliance that was made in USA?
>> Unless you really are fearful of losing your own job, that is indeed
>> the prosocial thing to do, but if you want to keep America working,
>> you might be better off having that broken appliance repaired, rather
>> than replaced.
>I agree but most repair people would rather sell you on a new one with
>the advisory: "It'll coast you more to repair than replace."
In some cases. Shoe repair places are all doing very well. Many car
repair shops are doing very well also because people can't get a loan
for a new one. Electronics repair is bleak though. I have 2
(unrelated) friends in/were-in the business. One is hanging on by
installing home theater systems and appliances. The other closed the
doors 2 weeks ago. Full service stores are having a tough time. The
disposable crap made in China and peddled by wal-mart are killing
them. Another friend runs a cleaners he took over from his father.
His walk in trade is almost nothing and what's there is very old
clients who've been going there since the 50's. Most is his money is
made from pick-up and delivery service. He can't compete with the
mega-cleaner places.
>The worst part is that we're still hearing "No or small down payment" or
>"Use the Federal incentive money for a down payment" so they are still
>appealing to the same people who can't afford the houses they are
>buying. The repo cycle is re-starting already.
>Didn't anyone learn?
Oh yes! Many learned, but stating reality doesn't get votes. This
new $4,500 credit towards a new car is totally insane. The replaced
car doesn't have to be old it just needs to get better mileage. And
people who drive old junkers do so because they CAN'T AFFORD A NEW
ONE! And the car's don't even have to be domestic. Watch for car
repo's to rise soon.