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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Straub's in STL has ground beef $2.99 lb!!

On Jun 20, 1:48*pm, George > wrote:
> brooklyn1 wrote:
> > "John Kuthe" wrote:
> >> Usually $3.99/lb. Now on sale for $! The butcher told me the
> >> price is good thru Monday 6/22/09!

> >>

> >> I just bought my usual 4#, and may go back for more before Tues!! :-)

> >> Best ground beef I've ever had. I've been buying it for years.

> > That's no bargain.

> > Why would anyone boast about eating mystery meat... buy a meat grinder and
> > know what/who you're eating, and save money too. *Don't you realize that
> > when stores have a sale on ground beef, especially family size packages,
> > it's to dump the old meat they couldn't sell before the sell-by date and/or
> > is poor quality, plus a good percentage is trimmings and scraps.

> And you know this how? You've been there and observed how they prepare
> ground meat at that particular store? Or maybe you have been at the
> local store here that doesn't do that (my nephew worked his way through
> college there and always remarked about their high standards)? Or maybe
> you've been at my friend's shop and observed their procedures? How can
> you possibly make such a statement as if you just know how *every*
> single store prepares ground meat?

And they DO prepare it right there at the store too! I've been in
there many times and they have to go back and grind me some more.

And I worked for a month or so in their Deli too, last Summer. And you
are correct, Straub's has impeccably high standards of their foods.
Commensurately high prices too! (They throw out a lot of stuff.) One
of those stores where you can walk out with one grocery bag and have
it cost $100 if you are not careful! But YUM!

And meats have always been their specialty.

John Kutbe...