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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Straub's in STL has ground beef $2.99 lb!!

John Kuthe wrote:
> On Jun 20, 1:48 pm, George > wrote:
>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> "John Kuthe" wrote:
>>>> Usually $3.99/lb. Now on sale for $! The butcher told me the
>>>> price is good thru Monday 6/22/09!
>>>> I just bought my usual 4#, and may go back for more before Tues!! :-)
>>>> Best ground beef I've ever had. I've been buying it for years.
>>> That's no bargain.
>>> Why would anyone boast about eating mystery meat... buy a meat grinder and
>>> know what/who you're eating, and save money too. Don't you realize that
>>> when stores have a sale on ground beef, especially family size packages,
>>> it's to dump the old meat they couldn't sell before the sell-by date and/or
>>> is poor quality, plus a good percentage is trimmings and scraps.

>> And you know this how? You've been there and observed how they prepare
>> ground meat at that particular store? Or maybe you have been at the
>> local store here that doesn't do that (my nephew worked his way through
>> college there and always remarked about their high standards)? Or maybe
>> you've been at my friend's shop and observed their procedures? How can
>> you possibly make such a statement as if you just know how *every*
>> single store prepares ground meat?

> And they DO prepare it right there at the store too! I've been in
> there many times and they have to go back and grind me some more.
> And I worked for a month or so in their Deli too, last Summer. And you
> are correct, Straub's has impeccably high standards of their foods.
> Commensurately high prices too! (They throw out a lot of stuff.) One
> of those stores where you can walk out with one grocery bag and have
> it cost $100 if you are not careful! But YUM!
> And meats have always been their specialty.

Same with the places I mentioned but interestingly enough the local
store I mentioned has an large in house meat department and absolutely
no walmart style meat and the prices are very reasonable. It's a family
owned place and they stay on top of everything and are anal about quality.

> John Kutbe...