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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default Steam My Brains Out

On Jun 20, 6:18*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> > I was homeless for three months back when I was 20 years only *John K..
> > can confirm this, as he was supplying my with 2 day old old-fashioned
> > donuts. *I've slept out in the snow.. I ate a lot of cheap PBJs, and
> > was introduced to Campbell's condensed New England clam chowder by a
> > lovely young lady who gave me some. *It would never had occurred to me
> > to buy a steak and then proceed to trash it--MUCH LESS stealing one
> > only for such a purpose. *Shoplifting peanut butter (which I've never
> > done), or trespassing in McDonald's dumpster are to wait for discarded
> > Cheeseburgers (which I have done) are both crimes, but ones you could
> > defend yourself with, "I was hungry." *A steak puts you in different
> > moral territory.
> > The real thing going on here is that you don't care that much about
> > the quality of food. *Maybe you could claim nostalgia for the bad old
> > days, but you even admit that microwaving the meat is less than
> > ideal. *Sorry, but not-that-bad is not a standard I apply to cooking.
> > If you can afford "those bags" that you're "getting sick of," you can
> > afford a proper poaching apparatus. *Maybe you could shoplift one and
> > then you could be treated to three free meals a day that are
> > consistent with what you've gotten accustomed to.

> * *Sorry, you're wrong, I do care about the quality of food, and I
> never said I favored the microwave over other cooking methods,
> although I do think it has it's advantages. *I no longer shoplift.
> That was in my younger days. *Oh yes, I stole steaks nearly every day
> for 5 years in my 20s. *Usually we'd have a kitchen and we'd broil
> them. *If a bunch of us got together, the shoplifters among us would
> steal the meat, and those with money would supply the veggies and
> beer, etc. *The person whose kitchen we used did not have to steal or
> pay. *Sometimes I'd put a bunch of the steaks in the broiler and light
> up a pall mall cigaret, smoke it, then turn over the steaks and light
> another one. *Perfect. *About 6 to 7 minutes per side. *Then I'd take
> the steaks out and cut them into chunks and put them in a huge
> communal bowl. *Other times I'd make actual plates of food. *But the
> shoplifting days are over, at least for now, and I have never felt too
> guilty about it and am in fact proud of some of the stories I could
> tell about some of the things I've shoplifted. *I will look into the
> poaching method. *My stove is ugly and old. *Top of the stove cooking
> or the microwave are all I can handle. *Thanks.

If everything you're claiming is true, you are the biggest piece of
trash to post here in quite a while.
> Tommy Joe
