Straub's in STL has ground beef $2.99 lb!!
On Jun 20, 8:21*pm, "pavane" > wrote:
> "brooklyn1" > wrote in . ..
> |
> | "Bobo" wrote
> | Straub's is a small grocer with three locations that sell Prime beef.
> | Their ground beef is ground in store. *It's where rich folks send
> | "cook" to do her daily shopping. *Old people like it too because it is
> | very small, and they don't have to walk so far. *No mystery meat at
> | Straub's.
> | >
> | >
> | Once again for the retards... unless you grind it yourself it's MYSTERY
> | MEAT[period]
> |
> | You trying to tell me they are grinding up USDA Prime and selling it for
> | $3/lb... then you're on mind altering drugs... if you think I'm gonna buy
> | your imbecilic bullshit then you're gonna have to admit that you were born a
> | drug addict of a crack whore... and of that I have no doubt whatsoever
> | anyway.
> Who let the dog out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
The dog comes out when the meds aren't taken.