OT Today show
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "gloria.p" > wrote in message
> ...
>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> "Bobo Bonobo®" wrote:
>>> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
>>>> But tens of millions still have jobs and can take advantage of
>>>> bargains. It
>>>> is important that people who do have an income still spend some of that
>>>> money to keep the economy afloat. If you need one, build a house, buy a
>>>> car, replace that broken appliance. Keep America working.
>> When was the last time you saw an appliance that was made in USA?
> Small appliances, no, but major appliances, yes, many are still made here
> but include many foreign parts in them.
That's due to the fact that there are very few skilled tradesmen in the US
who are capable of producing those parts (proven by the fall of the US auto
empire) There are no programs to teach the "real" vocational skills of
master machinist, tool & diemaker, moldmaker, etc., all there are is assmbly
line ants and fat cats at the top, there is no center, the center is all
overseas. Young people are ascared to get their hands dirty, they all want
to wear a suit and tie and drive a desk, they all want the assets their
first day on the job that it took their parents a lifetime to accumulates
one penny at a time.
> In either case, if you need one and have the money, a longshoreman
> unloaded it, a trucker moved it, a distributor handled it, a retailer sold
> it to you, a delivery person may have come and set it up.
> With 8% unemployment, there are still 92% of us working. IMO, it is far
> better to keep and to create jobs than to give government benefits.
Those numbers are untrue, because they do not account for the occupations
that essentially no longer exist; in the aforementioned catagories above,
and there are many others. Giving away money free for nothing not only will
solve nothing but will make the situation worse (you cannot teach a kid
economics by giving an allowance for no chores). The government needs to
initiate real apprenticeship programs that teach those manufacturing jobs,
then the US would have more jobs than workers, there'd would be no
unemployment. Someone needs to tell the Dems the story about how if you
give a man a fish he won't go to bed hungry that night but if you teach him
how to fish he will never be hungry. Encouraging young folks to stock
Wally World shelves is not a job.
Obama is very ignorant man, just has the gift of the gab that panders to the
masses of asses. It's easy to sweet talk the ignorant, it's done by other
silver tongued scam artists in every house of worship every day, that's
where he apprenticed.
And the real truth is that people are poor because they enjoy abject poverty
so long as there are many all huddled together, misery LOVES company because
in numbers there is strength, so they believe. Over population is always
the downfall of any civilization... "go forth and multiply" is another big
lie fabricated by those who desire to keep a society weak, over population
is a major area for government to address, the most important, more
important than all other issues combined, so far they've done nothing but
pat each other's backs and lick each others crotches. Obama will go down in
history as the Great Masturbator, because all he's doing is jerking yoose