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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Straub's in STL has ground beef $2.99 lb!!

"Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> I've had a house account with them for well over 20 years. Some of the
> best meat in St. Louis. I don't get to the West End Straub's much but I
> do shop the one in Clayton.

I don't doubt that they have good meat, many markets do, and I can assure
you that their USDA graded is no better or worse than any other market's
USDA graded... but whenever you buy their ground meat you are buying their
trash (ground meat gets no USDA quality grade).

If you really believe that they are taking their perfectly good roasts and
steaks that they sell for $8/lb and grind them up so they can get $3/lb then
I have this bridge you may want to buy. The only reason any meat market
sells previously ground meat is to minimize their losses by at least getting
something for meat that they'd otherwise have to shitcan, it's that simple.

On Sunday I get the circular by email for the Price Chopper chain here in
the northeast, just looked at it an hour ago, among other good meat sale
items they have boneless chuck steak on sale this week for $1.59/lb, I'll
take a look later next week. Oh, and I never buy stew meat either, I gotta
see the meat cut... how hard is it to cut a roast/steak into small pieces,
how friggin' lazy can folks be that they buy fercocktah mystery stew meat.
I haven't tried at the market here yet but back on Long Island when they had
say boneless chuck on sale (steaks or roasts) I'd ask the meat manager to
hack me off like a 10 pound hunk, when wrapped and weighed they knocked
20¢/lb off the sale price because my buying bulk saved them labor... no
problem to portion it out myself when I got home. Ten pounds is not a lot
of chuck, a nice 5 pound roast in the freezer for pot roast, and I'd grind
up 5 pounds right away for like six burgers for the freezer and the rest a
nice meat loaf to cook that day. Imagine, folks eat fercocktah mystery meat
yet boast about drinking $35 wine but can't afford a meat grinder...
something doesn't compute, oh yes it does, they are mentally ill and they
can't cook. Folks who post about eating out often can't cook, because if
they knew how to cook they'd not be eating that mystery crap that comes out
of restuarant kitchens nearly as often as they do. There is no such thing
as a privately owned restuarant that sells wholesome food... only
institutional food has a good chance of wholesomeness. Your local hospital
serves wholesome food. Prisons serve wholesome food. The US military
serves the most wholesome food on the planet, they get first dibs over
everyone... these institutions don't always have very good cooks is all.
Restaurants, especially the fancy schmany highly rated ones, often have very
accomplished cooks, they have to in order to make shit palatable.