Father's Day Gift
Dave Smith wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>>> My son wanted to come down for Father's Day but his new restaurant
>>> just opened up on Monday and he has been working 7 days a week for
>>> the last month or so and has been putting in long days. The cooks and
>>> servers are working out but he is having trouble with the assistant
>>> managers. So we are headed into the city for lunch at his new place.
>> In a round-about way, those pans could be for you, assuming you will
>> greatly enjoy what is made in them!
> Actually, I do most of the baking in this house. She has only made tarts
> once or twice. So I will probably be getting more use out of them than
> she will. I always find tarts fiddly to make, and she has a real
> weakness for butter tarts. I just hope she enjoys getting a power tool
> for Mothers Day :-)
Aha! Well then, this was more of a direct present to you than I
thought. (Boy, my age is showing, along with other things.)
Jean B.