OT Today show
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 14:01:51 GMT, brooklyn1 wrote:
> Obama is very ignorant man,
<derisive snort>
>just has the gift of the gab that panders to the
> masses of asses. It's easy to sweet talk the ignorant, it's done by other
> silver tongued scam artists in every house of worship every day, that's
> where he apprenticed.
yeah, he apprenticed at harvard law. all has-been navy cooks are surely
justified in looking down at him.
> And the real truth is that people are poor because they enjoy abject poverty
> so long as there are many all huddled together, misery LOVES company because
> in numbers there is strength, so they believe. Over population is always
> the downfall of any civilization... "go forth and multiply" is another big
> lie fabricated by those who desire to keep a society weak, over population
> is a major area for government to address, the most important, more
> important than all other issues combined, so far they've done nothing but
> pat each other's backs and lick each others crotches. Obama will go down in
> history as the Great Masturbator, because all he's doing is jerking yoose
> off.
i don't think obama will replace you in annals of jerk-off history. just a
guess on my part.