Fathers Day Dinner
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Fathers Day Dinner
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(Steve Pope) wrote:
> jmcquown > wrote:
> > Like you, I am not a huge fan of salmon. I do love salmon
> > patties made from <gasp> canned salmon, but the fillets are
> > (IMHO) highly overrated (not to mention expensive). I prefer
> > cod, flounder, heck, even catfish fillets to salmon.
> I used to believe salmon was mediocre until I made a point
> of seeking out utterly fresh, west coast salmon. The stuff
> simply does not survive being frozen in any sort of reasonable
> condition, nor is it nearly as good if it's been out of the
> water three days instead of one.
> If it's not going to be served fresh, it may as well go into a can.
> Unfortunately, we're into the second year of having no local
> salmon. There is expensive Alaska product that is probably
> good but I have not yet bothered with it this season.
> Steve
We could start another thread about the farm raised... <eg>
It does tend to be more affordable.
I actually bought the wild caught this time as it has a stronger flavor
that he likes.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
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