OT Today show
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 10:31:14 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>> That's due to the fact that there are very few skilled tradesmen in the US
>> who are capable of producing those parts (proven by the fall of the US
>> auto empire) There are no programs to teach the "real" vocational skills
>> of master machinist, tool & diemaker, moldmaker, etc., all there are is
>> assmbly line ants and fat cats at the top, there is no center, the center
>> is all overseas.
> snipped here
>> The government needs to initiate real apprenticeship programs that teach
>> those manufacturing jobs, then the US would have more jobs than workers,
>> there'd would be no unemployment.
> Like most states, CT is having a tough time with the budget. They are
> considering closing the two trade schools the state has.
> Now, this will probably upset a lot of people, but I have a suggestion. I
> understand there is only so much money and there has to be cuts. Why not
> keep the trade schools open and cut back sports in the other schools?
> Seems to me the state will be better off having some skilled workers than
> ex-football players with bad knees. Trade school graduates are the
> mechanics fixing our cars, wiring our homes, plumbing our toilets. We need
> them more than a kid that used to play basketball in junior high.
i have some sympathy for what you are saying, but why not (gasp) provide
sufficient funds for football also? after all, we need some kind of gloss
to obfuscate the idea that schools are mainly aimed at turning out worker
'sit down in your seats at the appointed time! no talking!'
your pal,