the power of the Presidency
blake murphy wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:08:57 -0500, Michel Boucher wrote:
>> blake murphy > wrote in
>> :
>>> jeez, i thought all teachers were democrat stooges. at least,
>>> that's what the republicans tell me.
>> You have to stop watching PinheadTV, aka Faux News.
> sometimes i thank god i don't have cable.
Nothing "pinhead" about Fox News, blake, they regularly have libs like
Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, NPR commentators, Dem strategists, etc. In
fact during the last POTUS election they had a livelier mix of commentary
and contributers than anyone else...
Fox is *just* another news source, behooves everyone to make sure they get
nooze from a variety of sources, like I do...I get nooze from left to right,
everything from Radio Havana and _Granma_ (Cuban Communist Paper) and Air
America right over to _Commentary_ and and to take it
all with a grain of salt, so read more, try to find reputable sources so's
you can have an informed opinion about thangs.
[It's silly to blast Fox News, just change the channel if it bothers you so
much. And BTW Fox New's ratings are BLASTING the other cable channel
offerings, they are a - laffin' all the way to the bank...]
If you are wondering why I'm so generally well-informed, that's why...