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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default the power of the Presidency

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:08:57 -0500, Michel Boucher wrote:
>>> blake murphy > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> jeez, i thought all teachers were democrat stooges. at least,
>>>> that's what the republicans tell me.
>>> You have to stop watching PinheadTV, aka Faux News.

>> sometimes i thank god i don't have cable.

> Nothing "pinhead" about Fox News, blake, they regularly have libs like
> Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, NPR commentators, Dem strategists, etc. In
> fact during the last POTUS election they had a livelier mix of commentary
> and contributers than anyone else...
> Fox is *just* another news source, behooves everyone to make sure they get
> nooze from a variety of sources, like I do...I get nooze from left to right,
> everything from Radio Havana and _Granma_ (Cuban Communist Paper) and Air
> America right over to _Commentary_ and and to take it
> all with a grain of salt, so read more, try to find reputable sources so's
> you can have an informed opinion about thangs.
> [It's silly to blast Fox News, just change the channel if it bothers you so
> much. And BTW Fox New's ratings are BLASTING the other cable channel
> offerings, they are a - laffin' all the way to the bank...]
> If you are wondering why I'm so generally well-informed, that's why...
> :-)

There's a caveat here Greg, you obviously can think for yourself. So
many people can't.