OT Today show
brooklyn1 wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> ...
>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "gloria.p" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>>> "Bobo Bonobo®" wrote:
>>>>>> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
>>>>>>> But tens of millions still have jobs and can take advantage of
>>>>>>> bargains. It
>>>>>>> is important that people who do have an income still spend some
>>>>>>> of that money to keep the economy afloat. If you need one, build
>>>>>>> a house, buy a car, replace that broken appliance. Keep America
>>>>>>> working.
>>>>> When was the last time you saw an appliance that was made in USA?
>>>> Small appliances, no, but major appliances, yes, many are still
>>>> made here but include many foreign parts in them.
>>> That's due to the fact that there are very few skilled tradesmen in
>>> the US who are capable of producing those parts (proven by the fall
>>> of the US auto empire) There are no programs to teach the "real"
>>> vocational skills of master machinist, tool & diemaker, moldmaker,
>>> etc., all there are is assmbly line ants and fat cats at the top,
>>> there is no center, the center is all overseas. Young people are
>>> ascared to get their hands dirty, they all want to wear a suit and
>>> tie and drive a desk, they all want the assets their first day on
>>> the job that it took their parents a lifetime to accumulates one
>>> penny at a time.
>>>> In either case, if you need one and have the money, a longshoreman
>>>> unloaded it, a trucker moved it, a distributor handled it, a
>>>> retailer sold it to you, a delivery person may have come and set it
>>>> up.
>>>> With 8% unemployment, there are still 92% of us working. IMO, it
>>>> is far better to keep and to create jobs than to give government
>>>> benefits.
>>> Those numbers are untrue, because they do not account for the
>>> occupations that essentially no longer exist; in the aforementioned
>>> catagories above, and there are many others. Giving away money free
>>> for nothing not only will solve nothing but will make the situation
>>> worse (you cannot teach a kid economics by giving an allowance for
>>> no chores). The government needs to initiate real apprenticeship
>>> programs that teach those manufacturing jobs, then the US would have
>>> more jobs than workers, there'd would be no unemployment. Someone
>>> needs to tell the Dems the story about how if you give a man a fish
>>> he won't go to bed hungry that night but if you teach him how to
>>> fish he will never be hungry. Encouraging young folks to stock
>>> Wally World shelves is not a job.
>>> Obama is very ignorant man, just has the gift of the gab that
>>> panders to the masses of asses. It's easy to sweet talk the
>>> ignorant, it's done by other silver tongued scam artists in every
>>> house of worship every day, that's where he apprenticed.
>>> And the real truth is that people are poor because they enjoy abject
>>> poverty so long as there are many all huddled together, misery LOVES
>>> company because in numbers there is strength, so they believe. Over
>>> population is always the downfall of any civilization... "go forth
>>> and multiply" is another big lie fabricated by those who desire to
>>> keep a society weak, over population is a major area for government
>>> to address, the most important, more important than all other issues
>>> combined, so far they've done nothing but pat each other's backs and
>>> lick each others crotches. Obama will go down in history as the
>>> Great Masturbator, because all he's doing is jerking yoose off.
>> Yep...what do peeps expect from another slick Illannoy/Chicago Dem
>> machine politican in a nice suit.
>> Now the whole United States - and the whole world - is getting a
>> dose of "Governance Illinois -style". It AIN'T pretty, folks...
>> Most of the lefties I know who chastised me for not blindly
>> supporting Obama
>> are now pretty "quiet"...the "reality" is sinking in, especially
>> since most
>> of these folks are ***. He isn't doing diddly - squat for the ***
>> "community", but *I* knew that would come to pass...same with health
>> care, spending, our foreign wars, etc....
> Ill-annoy nuthin... it's becoming more and more crystal clear that
> Obama[many]nations is is a dyed in the camel hair towel waving
> muslim... you watch and see how he's got his sights set on becoming
> the next leader of Iran too. He may technically be American (maybe)
> but no way has he ever been American in his heart and soul, neither
> his 'America is a mean place' ghetto bitch.
His "apologizing" and trying to "build bridges" to the Arab states is
especially disheartening, we have nothing to "apologize" for IMNSHO. I
mean, who went in and saved the Muslims of Bosnia while the Europeans
dithered...who led the liberation of Kuwait in Gulf War I...which country
has spread *more* of it's treasure around to all those sleezy asswipe A -
I mean, jeez already...
'Tis the Arabs and Muslims should be "apologizing", NOT us...