IMWTK about aioli
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> Would it be a bad idea to have it with salmon?
Depends on the preparation. Fresh, simply prepared fish, salmon
included - where it is the main (or even the only) ingredient in a dish
- does not really go very well with garlic, strangely enough - they
clash (and fish also can get overwhelmed) - but can go well with simple
mayonnaise. More elaborate preparations, especially Provenēal fish
soups, do go very well indeed with aļoli, rouille, or both, as does such
fish as salt cod.
If you are planning to use aļoli as a condiment, you do not really need
any advice - just try a bit and see if you like it well enough. If you
are going to use it as an ingredient in actual cooking, you need
counselling of some kind.