OT Today show
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 16:07:19 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:
>blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 14:01:51 GMT, brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Obama is very ignorant man,
>> <derisive snort>
>>> just has the gift of the gab that panders to the
>>> masses of asses. It's easy to sweet talk the ignorant, it's done by
>>> other silver tongued scam artists in every house of worship every
>>> day, that's where he apprenticed.
>> yeah, he apprenticed at harvard law. all has-been navy cooks are
>> surely justified in looking down at him.
>Sheldon is correct. I live in Illinois and I *know*...and I knew that Obama
>would be largely a dud president, he has no inner core of a belief system,
>no over-arching personal beliefs. All his boilerplate blather is just
>that - boilerplate blather...his stuff could be written by a 'bot.
I actually liked him at first until some facts came out. I detest
Hillary but I'd rather she was pres.
>After awhiles the charm factor will wear off, folx will be asking "Where's
>the beef"...
On Michelle's hips.