OT Today show
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 16:01:04 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:
>Yep...what do peeps expect from another slick Illannoy/Chicago Dem machine
>politican in a nice suit.
>Now the whole United States - and the whole world - is getting a dose of
>"Governance Illinois -style". It AIN'T pretty, folks...
>Most of the lefties I know who chastised me for not blindly supporting Obama
>are now pretty "quiet"...the "reality" is sinking in, especially since most
>of these folks are ***. He isn't doing diddly - squat for the ***
>"community", but *I* knew that would come to pass...same with health care,
>spending, our foreign wars, etc....
The pixie dust I spoke of last November is wearing off. I wish I had
been wrong.