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Phil-c Phil-c is offline
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Posts: 113
Default Number one favorite food?

Bob Muncie wrote:
> Phil-c wrote:
>> Bob Muncie wrote:
>>> cybercat wrote:
>>>> "Bob Muncie" > wrote
>>>>> If you have not tried the Australian lobster, and you love lobster,
>>>>> you are missing out on "lobster" love. They may cost a few dollars
>>>>> extra, but completely worth it.
>>>>> The way I think, if you are going to be decadent, do it for real :-)
>>>> I must agree. We get to go to the Angus Barn pretty soon to
>>>> celebrate one of my husband's achievements. I bet they have
>>>> Australian lobster.
>>> Than you must, and than immediately report back. I vicariously like
>>> living through those I care about. ;-)
>>> Bob

>> Bob I did not see this post before I posted my response to this topic .
>> They (our lobsters /Crays ) are nice and glad some one else
>> appreciates them
>> Having Lived in Both Tasmania and WA as well as NZ
>> wait until you try a big saddleback from down near the Chatham Islands
>> in NZ
>> Not all that popular it appears because they are not as colourful as
>> the Tassie or WA Crays
>> But Glorious taste
>> see old clip at
>> Another species you may wish to try is Marron
>> see
>> And with dams full of Koonac here I sort of get spoilt
>> Easy to catch bit of meat or liver in old panty hose
>> on a string and slowly pull in after leaving in the dam for a while
>> and there is dinner
>> Another taste altogether to the crays .
>> enjoy

> Phil - I am saving your post... thanks for doing so. I feel that good
> food is only as good as those that enjoy it spread the praise.
> I do know that the lobster I've had that was US related is nowhere near
> the gastronomic pleasure that the Australian lobster is.
> Thanks for opening my horizons.
> Bob

Nicely said All foods (like people) are good just some better than

One learns a lot from this little bunch of folks .

Weird thing is todays sheep prices even old wethers are have gone to
160 AUD I shudder to think what price lamb hogget and mutton will be
in the butchers for those to hav eto buy from a butcher later this year .
Already Lobster ( beach price) is about the same lamb (shop price)

Know which one I Prefer <big grin >

But tonights dinner is Bak Choy and tofu veggies to go with
the half inch thick porterhouse done rare to medium

Maybe other can scoff the Asian stuff while I just do field mushrooms
Been raining here and the Golf course is full of them with a red wine
sauce and mashed spuds .
In front of the open fire with a nice Sobels Hunter red used in the
sauce and whats left for us both b=181
Not tried this one as yet but never had a bad one from Kev & Marg Think
you can get them in the states

Been 3 months since had a GOOD red tonights the night .