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Servers Strike Back -- Cell Phone Usage
Nancy Young wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> gloria.p wrote:
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> The Ranger wrote:
>>>>> We hit a Mexican restaurant the other day. The owner is devoting
>>>>> more time to actually managing his employees nowadays instead of
>>>>> doing everything himself. That's good because I really like seeing
>>>>> this place succeed where others are failing. Unfortunately, he has
>>>>> one waitress that just doesn't get it. He's constantly "assisting"
>>>>> her with simple steps, like clearing dishes before dropping the
>>>>> check (my major pet peeve). She dropped the check off right after
>>>>> she dropped the meals and we didn't see her again. At one point,
>>>>> he walked the dining area and saw that every one of her tables had
>>>>> customers waiting for her to come back and collect the money. He
>>>>> efficiently collected the plates and checks and was back before
>>>>> she knew what was going on. As he came by, I asked him to make
>>>>> sure she got her tip and set down two of my shiniest pennies. He
>>>>> tilted his head and promised he would. I promised to come back to
>>>>> see if things improved as we walked to the door. The two tables
>>>>> on either side of us also picked up their paper change and left
>>>>> the coinage. One couple talked to him prior to leaving. I'm
>>>>> pretty sure she's going to learn a good lesson or not be there in
>>>>> the future.
>>>> He is either fool or he is sleeping with her!>
>>> It may be his daughter or another close relative.
>>> gloria p
>> Yes indeed, so it might ) Whichever, he isn't doing his business
>> any good!
> Maybe she was Peter Pan'ed from the hostess job she was good at.
You have lost me with that one Nancy!