OT Today show
sf wrote:
> Yeah, you're absolutely right. He's spending way too much time
> building bridges. You can't please everyone. Rebuild the Democratic
> Party now or there won't be a "next time", Mr. President!
> Republican "Wingers" may be few in number but they are certainly loud.
> I am a lifelong Republican who was tempted to admit how liberal I am
> and switch parties this time. I would love to see Obama kick some
> butt, unfortunately that's not his style. My Girl, Hillary, sure
> would have! Glad she's on the D team in a big way. Other than the
> Supreme Court, it was a perfect appointment.
Right now I am registered as an Independent, there is no party for me.
I am a fiscal conservative but I am liberal on social issues. Where I
live, here in the Bible Belt, the "God Squad" has taken over the
Republican party, they spend too much time focusing on issues like gays
and abortion. Who cares if two men get married? We have bigger
problems to worry about.