Thread: OT Today show
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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default OT Today show

On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:02:55 -0500, Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:29:52 GMT, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>>On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 10:31:14 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

>>> Like most states, CT is having a tough time with the budget. They are
>>> considering closing the two trade schools the state has.
>>> Now, this will probably upset a lot of people, but I have a suggestion. I
>>> understand there is only so much money and there has to be cuts. Why not
>>> keep the trade schools open and cut back sports in the other schools?
>>> Seems to me the state will be better off having some skilled workers than
>>> ex-football players with bad knees. Trade school graduates are the
>>> mechanics fixing our cars, wiring our homes, plumbing our toilets. We need
>>> them more than a kid that used to play basketball in junior high.

>>i have some sympathy for what you are saying, but why not (gasp) provide
>>sufficient funds for football also?

> You're outta control. Where's the money coming from? The taxes YOU
> pay? HA! The school part of the tax bill from just my cottage is
> $1500. I don't even know where the schools are but I'd rather see the
> money training the kids for something productive. Sooner or later
> someone will have to actually pay for all the shit you and the freak
> from Canada think every parasite deserves. Tough times are ahead
> Blake and you're young enough it's going to effect you.

jesus, get a gripo on yourself, lou.

>>after all, we need some kind of gloss to obfuscate the idea that schools
>> are mainly aimed at turning out worker bees.

> I thought schools were only turning out little obama's. You know,
> little parasites who write books stupid people can read.

calling obama a parasite is a little over-the-top, don't you think? or do
you think he evaded taxes on the millions he has made?

>>'sit down in your seats at the appointed time! no talking!'

> Yep. Discipline is something you shouldn't teach kids. It ****s them
> up. All those rules!!! Gasp!
> Lou

discipline is fine. it'd be nice also to teach them how to think. (note:
not *what* to think.)

your pal,