OT Today show
On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 00:47:02 -0700, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 01:23:38 -0500, Lou Decruss
> > wrote:
>>The pixie dust I spoke of last November is wearing off. I wish I had
>>been wrong.
> Yeah, you're absolutely right. He's spending way too much time
> building bridges. You can't please everyone. Rebuild the Democratic
> Party now or there won't be a "next time", Mr. President!
> Republican "Wingers" may be few in number but they are certainly loud.
> I am a lifelong Republican who was tempted to admit how liberal I am
> and switch parties this time. I would love to see Obama kick some
> butt, unfortunately that's not his style. My Girl, Hillary, sure
> would have! Glad she's on the D team in a big way. Other than the
> Supreme Court, it was a perfect appointment.
a hillary appointment to the supreme court would have been immensely
entertaining. if the wingnuts are having a cow at the mild-mannered,
not-even-liberal sotomayor, they'd have an entire herd over clinton.
your pal,