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Michael Kuettner[_2_] Michael Kuettner[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 632
Default Swiss steak w/ mushrooms

The Ranger wrote:
> Michael Kuettner > wrote in message
> ...
> [snip]
>> Nope. Most USAns might be. The rest of the world isn't.
>> What you sell as "Italian herb-mix" an Italian wouldn't
>> recognize, eg.

> I'll have to let the Fins, Scots, Irish, English, Swedes, Italians,
> French, and Germans know their culinary educations are lacking with
> regard to American spices and the mixes produced thus. They need to get
> with the program.

American spices and mixes?
USAn garbage, you mean.

> Oh. Wait. They already understood spice blends because they _are_
> available internationally -- specifically in the EU... Maybe not from
> McCormicks or Spice Islands but there are blends available from local
> sources that don't require seperate ingredients from the end user.

You still don't get the point ?
Let me be a little blunter then.
The dreck USAns sell as spice-mixes wouldn't be sold as pig-slop over here.
McComics tries their debut in Switzerland; 3rd grade spices and the
mixes don't sell. People able to get real spices wouldn't look at McComics
Oh, wait, you think "gawd's own country" is leading in international
cuisine ?
Well, only as a negative example.

Now bugger off and put your "spice mixes" in your "food".


Michael Kuettner