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aem aem is offline
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Default Simple Food is Best

On Jun 22, 12:22*am, Tommy Joe > wrote:
>[snip].... but I live alone and am a one dish person who
> cooks and eats the same food for 6 straight days. *If it's good I
> don't mind a bit. *I do the same with cold veggies prepped in the
> fridge for pasta salad, etc. * [more snips].... *I printed the
> recipe not because I thought everyone would think it's great, but
> because it's truly simple and my experience is that simple foods are
> usually the best. Thanks.

The recipe is interesting, but I can't help but encourage you to keep
learning about cooking so that your concept of what is 'simple'
expands, and so you don't have to keep eating the same food for six
days. -aem