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Christopher Helms Christopher Helms is offline
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Posts: 464
Default Why doesn't obama's Hawaiian Birth Cert look like this REAL one?from the 60's era?

On Jun 21, 3:45*pm, "James Silverton" >
> *dsi1 *wrote *on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 09:30:03 -1000:
> > Christopher Helms wrote:
> >One thing's for sure, Obama is more legit that me - I was born in the
> >Territory of Hawaii, he was born in the State of Hawaii. My family's
> >roots in America only goes back 3 generations - his goes back a lot
> >further. For this reason, I cannot, in good conscience, run for office
> >of president. *:-)

> Huh? You are an American citizen, I guess, and like many others born in
> places that *were colonies, you could run.

I didn't write that. I wasn't born in Hawaii. My blather got snipped
but "Christopher Helms Wrote" miraculously (or maliciously) survived.
The longer some of these threads go on the more convoluted
attributions sometimes get.