Straub's in STL has ground beef $2.99 lb!!
On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 18:29:51 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
> wrote:
>On Jun 22, 8:20*pm, Lou Decruss > wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:44:43 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
>> I'm curious how long the meat was in that cooler. *Even a real cooler
>> has a hard time with 95 degrees especially in the sun.
>> Lou *
>Hours. They keep the store cool with A/C, and the meat dept even
>cooler as the back room is one big refrigerator. That's where they
>keep and cut/process all their meat. Their ground beef is ground as
>needed and put in a big tray (maybe 10lbs at a time) in their cold
>display case with all their other meats.
I was talking about the cooler on your bike. Not sure what you're
talking about?
>I've bought ground beef where they have to go back and grind me more
>because their display is less than I want to purchase.
>This is NOT styro-tray shrink wrapped ground beef!
Butcher paper?
>I was telling the butcher today about how folks on RFC were making
>denigrating comments about "mystery meat" and stuff like that. They
>found it very amusing too, as they (better than anyone else) knows how
>Straub's has some of the highest quality meats in town!
I wasn't questioning the quality. Just how long is was in YOUR
cooler. Maybe your soft side cooler is better than anything I've