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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default Swiss steak w/ mushrooms

blake murphy wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 13:40:03 -0400, Bob Muncie wrote:
>> blake murphy wrote:
>>> On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:14:34 -0400, jmcquown wrote:

>>>> My backyard is pretty much next to a salt marsh, so you'd be surprised
>>>> Point is, those other packaged mixes contain some form of artificial
>>>> preservatives and lots of salt. Dehydrated... carrot, celery... Pete, I
>>>> *know* you're not purposely misunderstanding how easy it is to use real
>>>> ingredients to make the same dish. Next you'll be telling me the mushrooms
>>>> should have been dehydrated then rehydrated.
>>>> Jill
>>> so if he'd said 'lots of salt, dehydrated carrot, celery' etc. instead of
>>> of 'steak seasoning,' would you have felt better about the recipe?
>>> your pal,
>>> blake

>> How about listing them in the same order that's on the package... and yes.
>> Bob

> yes, your majesty. will there be anything else?
> blake

Yes... go away (like shel), but don't go away mad... just go away.

Seriously though, have a drink and enjoy life more.

And that's Sir Bob to you.
