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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Simple Food is Best

aem wrote:
> The recipe is interesting, but I can't help but encourage you to keep
> learning about cooking so that your concept of what is 'simple'
> expands, and so you don't have to keep eating the same food for six
> days.

I appreciate what you say but maybe I didn't make it clear that
the reason I do the 6 day thing is not a limited menu but expedience.
I live alone and work 4 days a week. I also drink a bit on my days
off. I don't like the idea of cooking every day. But I also prep
food. I put raw veggiess uncut but washed, or cut in halves or
quarters, into a large oblong container. I will eat what's in there
for 6 days, mixed with chicken or feta cheese, garlic, lemon, olive
oil, etc., but can also leave out or put in anything of my choice. I
agree it would be nice to have the time and financial freedom to cook
something completely different each day, but since I don't I have
developed the 6 day diet which by the way is only one meal. I also
eat a simple breakfast, the fruits may vary, but this week it's cut up
strawberries, bananas, and apple over cottage cheese with a dollop of
plain yogurt on top. That's breakfast on my work days. Thanks for
you note though.

Tommy Joe