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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Simple Food is Best

Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:
> Tommy Joe wrote:
> >
> > aem wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>The recipe is interesting, but I can't help but encourage you to keep
> >>learning about cooking so that your concept of what is 'simple'
> >>expands, and so you don't have to keep eating the same food for six
> >>days.

> >
> >
> >
> > I appreciate what you say but maybe I didn't make it clear that
> > the reason I do the 6 day thing is not a limited menu but expedience.
> > I live alone and work 4 days a week. I also drink a bit on my days
> > off. I don't like the idea of cooking every day. But I also prep
> > food. I put raw veggiess uncut but washed, or cut in halves or
> > quarters, into a large oblong container. I will eat what's in there
> > for 6 days, mixed with chicken or feta cheese, garlic, lemon, olive
> > oil, etc., but can also leave out or put in anything of my choice. I
> > agree it would be nice to have the time and financial freedom to cook
> > something completely different each day, but since I don't I have
> > developed the 6 day diet which by the way is only one meal. I also
> > eat a simple breakfast, the fruits may vary, but this week it's cut up
> > strawberries, bananas, and apple over cottage cheese with a dollop of
> > plain yogurt on top. That's breakfast on my work days. Thanks for
> > you note though.
> >
> > Tommy Joe

> Not all that different than what i do for the 80 year old "Elderly
> Relative" (ER) who came to live with me about 10 years ago.
> WHile i make sure there is plenty of fresh fruit & fruit juices on hand,
> lots of cereals and sandwich makings i also, once a week make up a big
> pot of soup, stew or a pasta dish, occasionally a pot roast or a big
> stuffed bird and freeze it in individual serving containers she can pop
> into the microwave and just heat up.
> I keep a lot of condiments on hand so she can vary each bowl slightly as
> her mood suits her, she uses a lot of tarragon and is very fond of a
> dash of worschestershire (sp?) sauce and various Chinese hot & sweet sauces.
> So essentially her main dish is prepared a week in advance and i often
> make up a fresh veggie to go with or a pot of rice or potatoes.
> Breakfast is often brought to me, coffee, toast and a boiled egg.
> gives her something to do, and since i bought a 'percolator' and put the
> espresso machine away she's not afraid to make a pot of coffee.
> Cooking for her is great for the ego, i have yet to find i have cooked
> something she don't care for. Once i tried my hand at a 'gumbo' and
> didn't think much of the results but she thought it very good.
> Don't get me wrong, im no great cook, she is just very easily pleased
> and as much by having some one do it for her as anything else i suspect.
> And its not all one sided, if i don't prepare a big green salad at least
> 3 times a week she lets me know im not eating enough veggies!
> Other than her revulsion for coconut and mustard she gives me a free
> hand to surprise her with what ever i feel like making.
> --
> Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

Thanks for that. I have an 80 year old female friend who lives in
a not so nice assisted living place and she can't afford better. I
might wind up there myself one day, but I'm only 62 and have a feeling
I'll probably be dead before I need the services of such a place.
Anyway, I don't see why some people are so opposed to creating the
base, as you put it, or as I interpreted it. Sure, like beans for
example. You make them and there they sit in the fridge for a long
time. You can put anything in them. Almost. You can broil meat and
add it one day, another eat it meatless or with cheese. You can have
fragile veggies in the fridge that cook quick and can be thrown in to
cook with the beans while they are being reheated. I used that as an
example. But setting the base and that altering a bit each day is not
only creative but also makes sense financially and for saving time.
And I wouldn't do it if it wasn't good. That's first and foremost.

Tommy Joe