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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Why are farmers markets expensive?

On Jun 24, 6:43*am, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> "Mr. Nonsense" > *news:b5e09651-e24f-422a-b935-
> : in
> > Why are farmers market always more expensive than the grocery store?
> > I'm sure there must be good reasons for this. But I can think of three
> > reasons why they should be cheaper:

> > 1. They have no expensive advertising and marketing costs

> > 2. They have no nationwide distribution costs, most of it is local.

> > 3. They have no high overhead that is typical of large corporations.
> > In other words they are not paying fat salaries/benefits to people to
> > do monkey work.

> > I could see they suffer from one disadvantage, no benefit from
> > economies of scale. I think the key points listed above should more
> > than make up for that.

> I haven't found that to be the case except with some of the yuppie type
> "farmer's market" places we have. *Yes, you'll find more expensive
> pricing at the Kirkwood Farmer's Market than the supermarket but the
> Soulard Farmer's Market is much less expensive. *What I've seen is *the
> Kirkwood place sells the same stuff they sell in the supermarkets (with
> some exceptions of course), while Soulard is local farmers selling
> locally grown produce.
> I prefer to support the local people around here. *You'll save money and
> the quality of the produce is superior to the produce found in the
> supermarkets and faux farmer's markets.
> Michael
> --
> “Always tell the truth - it's the easiest thing to remember”
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ American Playwright David Mamet
> You can find me at: - michael at lonergan dot us dot com

Exactly! Yuppified farmer's markets are a joke! In STL I go to the
Market In The Loop now just because it's so close to where I live.
Previously (and sometimes I still do) I shopped at Soulard.

But you don't always get better quality at true farmer's markets,
you've got to watch out for what you buy. In grocery stores and
yuppified farmer's markets they have store employees who throw out the
questionable stiff so you don't have to. (Part of the reason it's more

John Kuthe...