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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default (2009-06-22) Fried eggs

Rhonda Anderson said...

> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> 5.250:
>> On Tue 23 Jun 2009 08:14:28p, Ed Pawlowski told us...
>>> "Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
>>>> That's why I didn't answer. I don't like fried eggs. I only like
>>>> omelets, scrambled and hard boiled. If you guessed, I don't like it
>>>> when there is any "liquid" in my eggs. YMMV
>>> When I eat fried eggs, I cut away and eat the white first. Then I
>>> may dip bread in the yolk, or, I may just take that wonderfully runny
>>> yolk in one bite. Oh, so good.

>> I prefer eggs over medium, then cut up the white and mix with the
>> thick liquid yolk.

> I like my fried eggs sunny side up - white just cooked, yolk runny. Put
> it on a piece of toast, break the yolk and add Worcestershire sauce.
> I also like poached eggs, scrambled and soft boiled. Soft boiled egg in
> an egg cup, cut off the top and eat with toast soldiers - childhood
> revisited
> Organised a day off work today to do some things, and met up with my
> sister for brunch. I had scrambled eggs with feta, tomato and chives on
> toasted sourdough. Very nice - going to have to try that at home one
> weekend.

I remember one morning, my niece living with us somehow got the incentive
to make my ex and myself breakfast. She made "toad in a hole" (?) I think
it's called, with bacon. Cut a hole in the middle of a piece of buttered
toast, tossed onto a hot pan and dropped an egg into the hole to cook. It
came out really great and I said so. She walked on air the rest of the day.

I'd never seen nor heard of such a meal!
