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Order up! "Make a wish breakfast"
Elder wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>> But don't poke at my "bulk" sausage! That just indicates on this side of
>> the pond, that is it without a casing and can be shaped like you wish
>> :-) Quality has nothing to do with it. Tasty is, Tasty gone.
> Sounds similar to Lorne or Sliced Sausage in Scotland.
> Ground beef and sausage meat, seasoned, then packed into a loaf tin, and
> set in the freezer until just firm.
> Take it out slice it, bag it, freeze, then defrost and fry/grill when
> ever you make a cooked breakfast.
I didn't consider my description of "Bulk" sausage as well as I could have.
It's pretty much just ground u0p and seasoned as other sausage, just not
put into a casing.
But I do practice what you were describing with putting it into the
freezer long enough to make slicing easier and consistently sized.