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theron theron is offline
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Posts: 516
Default Consumer Reports' crappy article about gas grills

Consumer Reports this month published an absolutely crappy article about gas
grills. So bad, in fact, that I have to share this for those that don't
subscribe. Like many on this NG I've been using a Weber Silver Genes B for
years and I'd like to move to an infrared grill for its capacity to char
meat at high temps. In this whole review they didn't mention high heat
ability! They didn't even mention infrared heat in their rhetoric, even
though the Char-Broil and Napoleon grills are infrared grills! I don't think
they understand BTU/hour. BTU/hour per square foot is highly related to heat
output and temp. Stainless steel grates were felt to be as effective as cast
iron grates. In a non infrared heat grill it isn't. The sear comes from the
grate. Then the climax! There was one little column about smoking. Their
only product mentioned was the $800 Lil' Tex. No doubt a good smoker. How
many of us can afford that!
