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koko koko is offline
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Default Cheese-Stuffed Potatoes

With yogurt spice paste and sesame seed crust.

How could you pass up a recipe with a name like that?

I scrubbed two huge baking potatoes, rubbed them with oil and put some
sea salt on them, then got the ingredients together while they were

When the potatoes were done the pulp was scooped out leaving about 1/2
inch thick shell. The pulp was mashed and some butter, cilantro, green
onion and chile were added.

They were then slathered with a spice paste made of yogurt, garlic,
ginger, paprika, coriander, cumin and lemon juice. The tops were
sprinkled with sesame seeds

The bottom of the potatoes are then dipped in some sauce, then the
sesame seeds. Oh, yummmmm sauce on top and bottom. Pop those babies in
the oven. The recipe calls for them on the grill but I wasn't grilling
last night.

Once they are hot and bubbly they are ready. These are so stinkin'
good. Rich, creamy and spicy.

The recipe is a little involved so I'll type it out and post it


There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 06/20