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Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. is offline
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Posts: 702
Default Simple Food is Best

Tommy Joe wrote:
> Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:
>>Tommy Joe wrote:
>>> Thanks for that. I have an 80 year old female friend who lives in
>>>a not so nice assisted living place and she can't afford better. I
>>>might wind up there myself one day, but I'm only 62 and have a feeling
>>>I'll probably be dead before I need the services of such a place.
>>>Anyway, I don't see why some people are so opposed to creating the
>>>base, as you put it, or as I interpreted it. Sure, like beans for
>>>example. You make them and there they sit in the fridge for a long
>>>time. You can put anything in them. Almost. You can broil meat and
>>>add it one day, another eat it meatless or with cheese. You can have
>>>fragile veggies in the fridge that cook quick and can be thrown in to
>>>cook with the beans while they are being reheated. I used that as an
>>>example. But setting the base and that altering a bit each day is not
>>>only creative but also makes sense financially and for saving time.
>>>And I wouldn't do it if it wasn't good. That's first and foremost.
>>>Tommy Joe

>>I completely agree, i like to do the Italian style beans with just
>>enough stock to cover so that when they are done cooking the cooking
>>liquid is absorbed & all you have is cooked beans and not a lot of extra
>>I can then turn the cooked beans into a pate or spread, highly seasoned,
>>for bread, or use them in soup or salad or some other way. I
>>particularly like the 'black eyed peas' this way.
>>Your comments about cooking the meats separately is something i have
>>only come to recently, i accidentally made a vegetarian soup a month or
>>so ago , i just forgot to put any meat in it. And i was shocked! just
>>shocked at how much better the vegetarian soup tasted, all the flavors
>>of the herbs & spices & veggies came through in the finished soup so
>>very strongly, so much more flavorful than if i had, as usual, cooked
>>the meat with the veggies.
>>I have now taken to making the meat & soup separately and only add the
>>cooked meat as i warm up the soup.
>>And just FYI in case you have not already noticed it, there are 'some
>>people' here who harshly criticize any and everything. Its an
>>unmoderated newsgroup phenomena, we have our share of anti social
>>curmudgeons here, one learns to ignore them after a while
>>Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

> Thanks for that. Only recently did I realize how good mushrooms
> are for replacing meat,

Not only good to replace meat but an excellent flavoring ingredient. I
adore the 'oyster' mushrooms in various soups & stews.

The really big, hugh even, portobello, mushrooms can be a meal in
themselves especially when stuffed.

I have recently discovered "king" oyster mushrooms that appear to be all
stem but can be baked with a stuffing very nicely.

> But mainly, my response is
> to your comments about newsgroup agitators.
> As long as they stick to
> the subject, whatever it is at that time, I don't mind it, and in fact
> welcome it. I enjoy a little arguing now and then. I am the
> scum that will never leave his pot no matter how many times he cleans
> it.
> Tommy Joe

Just so long as the cure is not worse than the disease?
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

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