Thread: Fish tacos
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Fish tacos

"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
> Paul wrote:
>> Oh wait, I get it now. You filet the fish first and serve it in long
>> strips as opposed to slicing it in little bits after cooking like some
>> people do. I assumed you knew you don' eat the skin, scales, fins and
>> eyeballs. Silly me.

> Hey, YOU'RE the one who said it was whole fish. That means with the head
> attached and the skeleton intact, only the viscera, scales, and fins
> removed, as in the deep-fried whole fish served in Chinese and Thai
> restaurants, or roasted whole fish as served pretty much worldwide. Your
> description above is not even NEAR "whole fish." You're deep-frying fish
> fillets; that's a completely different kettle

Well I assumed you knew we were talking filets.

>> Perhaps this is why you don't like fish tacos? You do cook the fish,
>> right? Fish is dead first, right?

> Who said I didn't like fish tacos? I lived in San Diego for eleven years!

Well then you should now better. Great Mexican food in SD. Fish tacos are
either served "Ensenada style" or the more common gringo method of slicing
the fish before serving. I've never seen a Asian steamed fish style taco so
I assumed you and everyone else would know I meant filets.
