Consumer Reports' crappy article about gas grills
Theron wrote:
> "Pete C." > wrote in message
> >
> > Theron wrote:
> >>
> >> Consumer Reports this month published an absolutely crappy article about
> >> gas
> >> grills. So bad, in fact, that I have to share this for those that don't
> >> subscribe. Like many on this NG I've been using a Weber Silver Genes B
> >> for
> >> years and I'd like to move to an infrared grill for its capacity to char
> >> meat at high temps. In this whole review they didn't mention high heat
> >> ability! They didn't even mention infrared heat in their rhetoric, even
> >> though the Char-Broil and Napoleon grills are infrared grills! I don't
> >> think
> >> they understand BTU/hour. BTU/hour per square foot is highly related to
> >> heat
> >> output and temp. Stainless steel grates were felt to be as effective as
> >> cast
> >> iron grates. In a non infrared heat grill it isn't. The sear comes from
> >> the
> >> grate. Then the climax! There was one little column about smoking. Their
> >> only product mentioned was the $800 Lil' Tex. No doubt a good smoker. How
> >> many of us can afford that!
> >>
> >> Ed
> >
> > And this should surprise anyone coming from the company that was shown
> > to have rigged tests to get the results they wanted? (and no, I'm not
> > confusing them with NBCs rigged demo).
> I don't think Consumer Reports does anything dishonest.
I *know* they do. It was well publicized and they only avoided getting
convicted of it through wrangling in the bogus legal system.