(2009-06-22) Fried eggs
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 09:02:04 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>I remember one morning, my niece living with us somehow got the incentive
>to make my ex and myself breakfast. She made "toad in a hole" (?) I think
>it's called, with bacon. Cut a hole in the middle of a piece of buttered
>toast, tossed onto a hot pan and dropped an egg into the hole to cook. It
>came out really great and I said so. She walked on air the rest of the day.
>I'd never seen nor heard of such a meal!
My dad used to call them gashouse eggs. And no, it has nothing to do with flatulence.
A gashouse was a small neighborhood diner where they cooked on a gas range. Late1800 -
early 1900 era.