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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Why are farmers markets expensive?

In article >,
Barry > wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, yesterday at the Original Farmers Market in
> downtown Indianpolis, I paid $2.85 for a pint of cherry tomatoes, and
> $2 for four "burpless" cucumbers. How do those prices compare with
> your farmers market?
> Barry in Indy

Too early for cukes and tomatoes here, Barry. :-/ Typical prices for
produce right now at my local farmers markets (I have easy access to 3
each week, all part of the St. Paul Farmers Market system which requires
locally-grown products) are $2-4 for ~quart-size baskets (~5x8x3") of
stuff -- new potatoes, sugar snap peas. Green onions have been $1-2 for
a bunch of ~15.

I paid $4 new potatoes the first week I saw them; the following week
they were $3 - same for the peas (I snack on the peas). Good-sized
(IMO) plastic bags (like grocery store plastic shopping bags) of spinach
and leaf lettuces were $2 last week. One of those bags of spinach
steams down to enough for 2-3 people. And it's all mine! Large bunches
of radishes were $1. I didn't pay any attention to the prices on the
fresh herbs. Baby bok choy seemed reasonable.

When tomatoes come to market with a vengeance, I expect I'll pay about
$2 for a quart container. First offerings will be more expensive.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - good news 4-6-2009
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