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Phil-c Phil-c is offline
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Posts: 113
Default Growing potatoes

biig wrote:
> Does anyone here grow russets? 12 days ago, after reading a website, I
> planted russets in 6 inches of soil in a garbage can (new) with drain holes
> in the bottom and a layer of stones. I planted 6 potatoes from my pantry
> that had sprouted and two have come through the soil, lovely and green.
> When they are 6 inches tall, they say to add another three inches of soil
> and repeat until they flower and the tops dry up. Then harvest. It was
> meant to be an experiment, not a cost cutting method since I've spent just
> under 20. cdn. I'm curious to know if anyone else has tried it....Sharon in
> Canada

Good to see someone growing own food .
What we do here not only with Russets but other spuds as well
is heaps of old hay and pea & field straw and just put in about 4
inches (bed is 2 feet thick at first ) sprinkle a few handfulls of
blood and bone and water as the pile settles down keep adding straw

Water in occasionally worm wee (1 litre of worm wee to 4 litres of
water ) once every ten days or so .

Gang busters and taste wonderful .
Never thought of using a garbage can so will try that also

Why I like using straw method on the ground you eventually end up with
a rich garden bed full of worms and great microbes and bacteria no
need for pesticides etc .
Garbage cans though great for flat dwellers and those without back yards