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PeterL[_17_] PeterL[_17_] is offline
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Default 'Overweight' people live longer than those of 'ideal' weight

Stu > wrote in news:ght6455m0rfech2kaguj7qljr1rb4sd077

> Here's your proof, let me know if you dispute this, I'll supply more.
> Reports of an ‘obesity epidemic’ appear with increasing frequency and
> rising concern in Australia.

"issued 5 October 2006"

The original post was about a study done in Canada and USA. Not Australia.

> The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health and Ageing
> has reviewed the 2006-07 annual report of the Department of Health and
> Ageing and, pursuant to Standing Order 215(c), resolved to conduct an
> inquiry into obesity in Australia on 19 March 2008.

"conduct an inquiry into obesity in Australia on 19 March 2008."

> Obesity in Australia
> Recent studies show that 47% of women and 63% of men are overweight or
> obese. Australians are at the point where it is almost more "normal"
> to have a weight problem than not.
> Over the last decade as a nation we have continued to gain weight. If
> the current trend continues, it is estimated that by 2010, 70% of
> Australians will be above their healthy weight range.

The above is an advert for a weight loss scheme......

so that one can be discounted out of hand.


That looks to be from 2008 sometime.

And the other sites you posted look to be about the same 'age'.

But I don't see anywhere any studies that have been done over 12 years, do

"Boffins in Canada and America revealed the new findings following a study
of over 11,000 Canadians covering the last 12 years."

All your post has done, Stu, is prove that you can use Google to gather
old information.

Why are you so 'up in arms' about *new* information?

Here's a little more info on your supposed "fluff article".......

The study was funded by grants from the National Institute on Aging, the
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the
Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C.

Authors include: Heather Orpana, PhD, Statistics Canada; JM Berthelot,
Canadian Institute for Health Information and McGill University; Mark
Kaplan, DrPH, Portland State University, David Feeny, PhD, Kaiser
Permanente Center for Health Research; Bentson H. McFarland, MD, PhD,
Oregon Health & Science University and Nancy Ross, PhD, McGill University.

Oh, and it seems this is the second such study to confirm what they found.

Look, if you want to stick your fingers in your ears and scream
"Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.......", that's your perogative.

As soon as you come up with *new* data to completely blow this latest
study out of the water, please feel free to post it.

Until then we'll agree to disagree.

Peter Lucas

"As viscous as motor oil swirled in a swamp, redolent of burnt bell
peppers nested in by incontinent mice and a finish reminiscent of the
dregs of a stale can of Coca-Cola that someone has been using as an
ashtray. Not a bad drink, though."
Excerpt from "The Moose Turd Wine Tasting" by T. A. Nonymous