Recommendation -- The Africa Cookbook
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> I perused that book a couple months ago but ultimately decided not to
> get it. I do have some books on Caribbean and Brazilian cookery but
> rarely make those recipes because I don't think Lin would like most of
> them.
That depends ... I wasn't impressed with that place we ate at in SD
(though it was more Cuban than anything). We both enjoyed the Samba
Grille in Vegas, and there was a place in Oklahoma I liked called Bahama
Breeze that was Caribbean -- though I think they dumbed the spices down
for the masses there. They also went out of business not too long after
What about the recipes do you think I wouldn't like? If they involved
fennel or anise, you are probably right. Plus, if they are high in fat,
etc., I might not want to eat them -- though I probably would enjoy them.
Let's face it, I've become a lot more adventurous with my food choices
thanks to you! But I think I will pass on the Ethiopian fare next time. ;-)
--Lin (liking the hot stuff more and more)