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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Recommendation -- The Africa Cookbook

> Migration... are you looney... except for the peanut each and every of
> those > ingredients is native to the Americas... get it?

Wrong. Name them, every single one. OTH, you don't mind calling Italian
things with tomatoes, peppers and beans in them, do you? Or polenta made
with corn....

>I don't care what the > Author's academic credentials, >she knows nothing
>about cookery of any > kind... even >if she didn't call those African
>dishes they're still shit > >dishes.

Like you would know? According to your standard every recipe starts, "First
stalk your mammoth and kill him with seven swift blows of the lance."
Africa, like every place, has had 200 years or so to incorporate NA foods
into their national dishes, but they actually didn't use many in these. It
was pointed out that the Indian population had brought curried dishes to
South Africa. Boers brought German tastes and the Brits brought ... oh,
surely something. Europeans romped over the map of Africa for a very long