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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Michael Jackson has died

sf wrote:

>> I agree

> Name a sane mother on this earth that would allow her son to spend the
> night with a suspected pedophile.
> I don't think he deserved all that bad press. He needed a good house
> mother (nanny) to tell him when he was about to cross the line of what
> middle americans call common decency. It was obvious he couldn't tell
> when what he did would get him into trouble with people who have dirty
> minds.

He didn't deserve the bad press????
Can you honestly tell me that if there was a man in your neighbourhood
who had little boys sleep over and slept in the same bed with him that
you wouldn't be outraged? For some reason, his celebrity and
eccentricities led some people to think that it was strange but
acceptable. Anyone else would have been thrown in jail and would have to
be kept in protective custody.

> I think there are several boys with (scheming b*tch) mothers who
> thought their sons (cough, children) could net them a lot of money.

That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that he did share
beds with young boys and that is just too weird for me to handle. Other
celebrities have suffered a lot more for a lot less.