Ceramic knife sharpening steel or steel steel ?
"Andy" > wrote in message ...
> john royce said...
>> Saw a ceramic knife sharpening steel the other day, are they better in
>> any way than the traditional steel steel?
>> One disadvantage is i guess they might crack or chip if dropped on to a
>> hard floor, but apart from that I'm wondering if they do a better job?
> Can't help you there. I have a ceramic (Kyocera) 5.5" (utility?) knife
> that
> needs to be sharpened by experts every five years or so. Fantes.com where
> I
> bought it has a free ceramic sharpening service. I don't have any idea how
> it's done.
> Aside from my trusty carving knife, it's the go-to knife for food prep.
> Andy
Ceramic knives can be sharpened on a diamond dust steel. how much do the
*experts* charge?