Scrapple: Jones versus Habbersett
On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 11:27:57 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> Since moving away from Philly (28 years ago), it is difficult to get
> scrapple. A few years ago the Stop & Shop supermarket started to carry
> Jones brand so I started buying it and was happy. Last weekend we were in
> Philly so we bought a few packages of Habbersett scrapple. It has a better
> texture, better flavor. While the Jones is acceptable, Habbersett would be
> my first choice every time.
I can only get Jones. Habbersett I haven't had for probably
32 years (in Harrisburgh, PA).
I can't even get Jones brand around here any more. I don't see
twhat theproblem is - it's shrink-wrapped as a brick and lasts
forever in the grocery freezer. Eventually I'll buy them all